Whether you require daily office cleaning services or a weekly or monthly service, we will customize an office-cleaning program specifically for your setting. At Keen to Clean, we understand the concerns of our clients and we work diligently to meet that strict needs. We adhere and comply to quality-cleaning services needed by your company while maintaining safety.
We cater to the following commercial cleaning clients, and growing:
- Office Cleaning
- Builders Cleaning
- Restaurant Cleaning
- Aged Care Facility Cleaning
- Medical Center Cleaning
- Call Center Cleaning
- Warehouse Cleaning
- Supermarket & Shopping Center Cleaning
- Hard Floor Cleaning & Care
- Sporting Clubs cleaning
- Stripping and Sealing hard floors
- Cut and Polish
You can be sure that when the Keen To Clean staff visits your place, you will get 100% satisfaction from our commercial cleaning service. To book a cleaning day, please feel free to drop us a line at +91 96625 18861 for 24/7 emergency cleaning, or email us at inquiry@keentoclean.co.in This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . We are open from Mondays to Saturdays, 9.30AM ’til 6:30 PM.